Dear President Trump elvisroy0000

  since we last spoke on facebook i have been Hospitilized with pancreatitis i had my gaul bladder and half my pancreas removed.i poop in my pants and pee in my pants have diabetes,copd,osteo arthritis,hbp can barely walk,cant walk distance of more than 20 or 30 feet without walker,went in hospital 7 mos ago blood sugar was 540, went in a wk later for lithotripsee for lg stone did nothing for stone,but knocked blood clots loose from kidney into legs.went to ssa odar judge in june dissabled fully favorable but 5 mos later although fully favorable 3 rejections for quote unquote too many assetts 1 quote assett a mobile home on my mother in laws property,listed by tax assesment at 5800 i have estimate from clark glass corry to replace windows and bay window at 5900 dollars not to mention 2300 for plumbing my floors or doors, and weatherization 4 or 5 yrs  ago would not go in too unsafe. another two quote assets 1 of which i sold 3 yrs ago i bought both for 250 a piece from tax repository  neither belong to me any more but they incist on me having them appraised i wonder if when you started out if you had sold a property worth 98oo supposedly how far you would have got selling it for 250   neither would erie county tax claims     good property 1.7 acres in that area doesnt go for 9800 and these are both epa the meantime they cut my wifes check off for 16000 dollar overpayment can you help cut through the red tape


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