
Democrats incist President Trumps Popularity Slipping Despite Trumps Rallies Drawing Massive Crowds

        First Let Me State something just Does not ad up if His Popularity were Down The Crowds would Be Dwindling,and Campaign Season Has not Started.Whatevar Rehashed Hack The Dems vote For will Energize The Base.But at Least The Democrats consistant in their Bias.Leave it To The Democrats in order to believe Them,We would have to believe all these people showing up at His Rallies are their to fool us.or they are sending thousands of Democrats to His Rallies,Not Likely.And Given The Economy is the Best its been in,41 years and will only Get stronger Thanks to sanctions on China.and the fact we are energy independent.and The Presidents wall is Being Built,Not Likely support will fall.           But The Liberals in The Media would Love you to Believe it Has get you to give up or vote for someone else.Dont Fall For it,it is smoke and Mirrors.Do You Really Believe the Polls that Feely Joe Who The Last time ...

To The Left the second amendment does not state it gives any Right only that it cannot infringe on any right

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. That’s it, that is the whole 2nd Amendment. Where does it say that the government gives us any right ? It doesn’t, it only says that the government cannot infringe on this right. And when the often used argument arises that we will all be safer if we pass (another) gun law .. I am reminded on how our nations leading members at the time would respond to that .. Quote "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776 Quote "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery". Thomas Jefferson , letter to James Madison , January 30, 1787 Put another way: I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.. Quote “Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in Am...

Please stand for freedom

craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap ( google map ) Stand up for Freedom- stand against socialiasm (anywhere) 1 © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap (google map) in Harrisburg they create a law if your house not lived in in a yr and you choose not to turn on electric and water they can steal your house the constitution states you can do as you wish as long as you are nt hurting anyone else now the way these socialist bastards get around this is 1 stating they gave me the power to pass laws which seems right until you realize the guideline was they could only pass a bill if it did not infringe on your right to do so as long as you did not harm anyone else another way these people steal your rights or property is saying it looks bad 1 i do not remember that exception in the constitution 2 there is nothing tangible about looks and the hog wash that it lowers your property value hog wash property value change with each blowing wind t...

The Cheapskate Guide written by

: breathe The Cheapskate Guide: 50 Tips for Frugal Living By Leo Babauta    Confession time: I’m a cheapskate. Some would say frugal, which sounds much more positive, but in reality I can be a real cheapskate. I am fairly frugal (though not always), but sometimes I take it too far : I have T-shirts with holes in them, I never buy new clothes, we’re shopping for a new couch because our current one has holes in it, and I ran my current pair of running shoes until the soles fell off. However, I have gradually learned to be frugal in many ways that I would recommend to others. I don’t think you should have holes in your couch, and you should definitely replace your running shoes more often than I do, but there are many ways to cut back on spending and live a more frugal lifestyle. Why live frugally? First, because it allows you to spe...

Mrs Rashida Saiid Denied entry

  Now She is Whinning Because Her Rights were violated She Vtes for evary piece of Gun Controll Legislature  against My Freedom of speech against feedom of press unless it is Leftist Legislature disrespects my Constitution  and My God and i would get outraged over Her Being denied entry to Isreal Why  MS Rashida if you want me to Respect your Freedoms i will do so when you respect Mine   stand for freedom,   Donald J Trump

Donald Trump is an excellant President

Donald Trump 45th U.S. President Description Donald John Trump is the 45th and current president of the United States. Before entering politics, he was a businessman and television personality. Trump was born and raised in the New York City borough of Queens, and received an economics degree from the Wharton School. Wikipedia Born : June 14, 1946 (age 73 years), Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, New York, NY Height : 6′ 3″ Party : Republican Party Spouse : Melania Trump (m. 2005), Marla Maples (m. 1993–1999), Ivana Trump (m. 1977–1992) Children : Ivanka Trump , Donald Trump Jr. , Tiffany Trump , Barron Trump , Eric Trump Education : Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (1966–1968), MORE

Helpful tips for saving money

1. cut your living expenses your biggest expense is housing  if you are paying rent move out into a camper,or a tent   save the money 2 reuse everything you can.Razor Blades spray bottles Toilet Paper 3  dont buy lumber get pallets 4 nevar pay retail unless you have to wait for it to be discounted this includes food 5   shop at the Dollar tree 6   only buy gas at stations with discount reward cards 1- cent off per gallon 7 start a Garden save ,oney on produce       with any economy no matter how good it is we must save money